Saturday, November 24, 2012

:D idk
Meme Central has almost hit 100 likes!! 3 more, we can do this!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Taboo Memes
Taboo topics being the focus of memes
After using the internet for many years, I’ve seen a lot of Memes of all sorts from videos to pictures to catch phrases, but what really gets to me is the amount of Memes these days that are specifically targeting a single audience in a hurtful way. Memes shouldn’t be hurtful to anyone, they should only be on the internet to make everyone laugh and being hurtful to anyone with a Meme should not be allowed.
Memes are meant to make people feel good and to distract them from their work. What ever happened to LOLcats or other simple Memes that were only created to make everyone laugh? I think it’s appalling to have such hatful Memes on the internet as it doesn’t make everyone laugh; it hurts people and can cause unnecessary drama in people’s lives.
Memes should be for laughter not hate. Bring back LOLcats I say! Bring them back! The internet is meant as a place for knowledge and understanding- not hate.
Quality of Memes
The quality standard decreasing in memes.
Everyone loves a good laugh while browsing the internet and it’s pretty hard not to in the 21st century as Memes are everywhere and there are plenty of types from pictures to videos to catch phrases. But what exactly makes a good Meme?
A great Meme should be able to appeal to all audiences – different ages, backgrounds, religions, etc. – in other words everyone should be able to have a good laugh from it. To appeal to a wide audience a Meme should have a simple message, something everyone can understand and relate to.
 On top of having a simple message that is relatable a Meme should be appealing to look at. It should have a clever or witty design that isn’t horrid to look at. A Meme in general should just be simple as if it becomes to over complicated no one will be able to understand it or enjoy.
What is a Meme?
An Internet meme is a cultural phenomenon that spreads from one person to another online, promoting laughter and comical relief.
A meme spread online could be just about anything that is voluntarily shared, including phrases, images, rumours and audio or video files. An Internet meme might originate and stay online. However, frequently memes cross over and may spread from the offline world to online or vice-versa.
Meme’s are usually also related to that of a virus or flu like disease as they spread from person to person, except instead of being transferred through the air like the flu or a virus would be, it’s transferred over social networking sites such as facebook.
A typical Meme should be a short and sweet. Nothing too fancy or people won’t understand the joke and it won’t spread like a virus – as you want it to. With a Meme your main goal is to get an audience to laugh and feel good, if the general design of a Meme is overly complicated it’ll stray from the purpose of creating laughter.